Voice coaching for professionals


Do you want to sound more convincing and gain more respect from your colleagues?

Do you feel breathless, or that your voice lets you down during public speaking engagements?

Do you want to know how to warm up before a performance?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, ReVoice Clinic can help you.

ReVoice Clinic helps professionals and performers to optimise their vocal confidence in challenging communication environments.

What’s involved in the therapy process?

ReVoice Clinic will map out the recommended process to achieve your goals after your initial assessment consultation.

Here is an outline of how therapy may look.

Initial consultation

Comprehensive assessment. 

Establish achievable goals.

Receive professional clinical report.



Gain in depth understanding about voice anatomy & physiology.  

Experience the benefits of a vocal care routine.   

Consolidate ReVoice holistic voice method for long-term maintenance.


Apply voice strategies in challenging environments.

Build confidence & develop effective techniques to help conquer nerves.

Receive personalised voice programme.